I know I haven't posted in a while. OK, a looong while. But I have been writing a lot of emails to friends and family recently, expressing some perspective on the recent election developments, especially in this post-convention period. So I thought I'd begin sharing some of those thoughts here. I'm only going to present my own views to protect the innocent (and guilty). Here's Part I of a recent rant:
I don't know about you, but I am utterly flabbergasted at the tune being played by the GOP in recent weeks. I think we need to pause, take a deep breath, and remember that it's absolutely essential we remain aware of the facts - not just the spin - about so called "outsiders" and "reformers" who are going to swoop in and change Washington politics for the better.
I don't know about you, but I am utterly flabbergasted at the tune being played by the GOP in recent weeks. I think we need to pause, take a deep breath, and remember that it's absolutely essential we remain aware of the facts - not just the spin - about so called "outsiders" and "reformers" who are going to swoop in and change Washington politics for the better.
Clearly each side shares equal portions of guilt in the climate of out-of-control, pork barrel spending. But I'm sick and tired of accusations of "flip-flopping" and other bunk claims against the "liberals" when we need to remind ourselves of Washington realities:
[Oh, and let's keep training that GOP Pit bull to spin her history, because the media is (rightfully) going to skewer her, otherwise:
I should note here that Bloomberg and CNN are not exactly the most Liberal part of the "Liberal Media Conspiracy".
I could post another dozen news articles like the ones above exposing Palin (and the McCain campaign) as playing fast and loose with the truth. These folks are unabashed liars. And they are so desperate to win, the campaign has decided that if they just repeat the lies enough times people will continue to believe them - even when presented with the truth.
This seems to be working, and I for one am physically sickened by it. I am embarrassed that Americans can continue to live in this world and be so blind to its realities. There are plenty of sources of information but some people (frustratingly) continue to look to campaign speeches for facts instead of the actual record.
For instance, Palin's record speaks for itself - just not the same message you're hearing tossed out at every campaign stop, over and over, and over again. (Let's hear that folksy "Thanks...but No Thanks" slogan once again, Sarah.) The campaign has masterfully ignored recent history, re-casting Palin as a champion of reform instead of just another politician with hands in Washington (e.g. OUR) pockets. In fact even now she is actively pursuing additional millions in earmarks for Alaska. She may not entertain lobbyists in her Juneau office, but the Alaska "delegation" in Washington has no trouble with them. Let's get real and call a spade a spade, shall we?
I really expected a much more honorable and honest approach from John McCain at the beginning. I actually held a lot of respect for the man. But when his hand looked too weak to win, he began to bluff. He hopped right on board the Goebbels Express with the rest of the GOP propagandists, and he's towing the party line like never before. In the past several weeks, truth has become a long-forgotten casualty, and continues to be cast aside, utterly...callously.
I don't think I've ever witnessed such boldfaced hypocrisy. They claim to be so "outraged" at out-of-context "lipstick on pig" comments? COME ON PEOPLE. It's probably the most overused turn of phrase in Washington. It's completely irrelevant. But desperate situations call for desperate plays, don't they? So we have to realize who's playing gender politics now.
Sadly, it works. It's sensational. It pushes our emotional hot buttons. Americans love a good hanging, and refuse to look past the distraction. Remember the Wizard of Oz? When are we going to start looking for the guy behind the curtain?
In the end I readily acknowledge that it's entirely possible that this GOP ticket is going to win the election. They're running a very clever and overtly deceptive campaign that is focusing on irrational fears and cosmetic issues that appeal broadly to the less informed amongst us, rather than the substantial issues that will affect those same uninformed people directly, in the long term: health care, economy, foreign policy, etc. I give the GOP credit - they may not be so good at governing, but they're damn good at distracting us from the real issues, the real crises. If this was a football game - where truly the only goal is to win - they'd be winning the game, because they've got a fatter book of trick plays. Unfortunately, in an election there's much more at stake than a Super Bowl ring and a trip to Disneyland.
It's probably a disappointing reality that approximately half of us continue to cling to an America of The Past in world that is rapidly leaving that idealism behind. It seems that regardless of how bad the situation gets, they remain bound and determined to drag the America of the Future down with them.
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